Chaye's Hope
Hey all. I didn’t do a lengthy post on accomplishments or resolutions for this year. Tonight, I’m a bit more informal with the hustle and bustle of the holidays still in my fingers. Instead, I offer a story written in bullet point form: the way that I speak at present.
I just want to say: continue to have hope.
I was not going to post anything, but as I showered, I heard Shawn Mendes sing “In my Blood” coming from my phone. A few years ago, I met a woman in a Facebook CIDP support group. Her name was Chaye. We called her Lucy. I was Fred, and Teresa is Ethyl.
We were all diagnosed about the same time and if you looked at her, she looked fine.
Her fire was inside her body.
Swallowing was going away.
There were times when she said: she had enough.
BUT HOPE: she reached down somewhere that light dares to go and looked for alternate treatments.
She took a trip with a man who came back into her life after her husband left her when she was sick. Being sick brought them together. Chaye (Lucy’s) body finally said enough after bringing love back. So sweet to numb the fire spilling from our eyes. A blessing. To all.
Hope doesn’t need to be big or even for a great outcome. The small stuff: luggage making it to the destination on time, swallowing your mac n’ cheese without choking. Finding just a little more love.
Things may not turn out how we want them to, or look how we want them to, but having hope that they will turn out in a way that leaves us with a little more love in our hearts, and find a way to be ok with just that much–that's hope.
And a wish to keep hoping this year–well, that is a Happy New Year to me.
I wish you all hope.